Michael used his Pit Boss 820 filled with Lumberjack mesquite pellets to smoke this amazing feast.
He smoked a brisket, a pork belly brisket, and pork belly burnt ends.
His Brisket Method
He bought a 14 pound prime brisket from his local warehouse store, trimmed it well, and seasoned it with a 50/50 mixture of kosher salt and 16 mesh black pepper. He smoked it fat cap up on his Pit Boss. He placed a roasting rack under the brisket to protect the meat side from direct heat. His grill temperature was 225F and he would spritz the meat every few hours until it was time to wrap. He knew it was time to wrap when the bark was formed nicely and the IT of the brisket reached 185F. He then bumped his grill temperature to 250F and continued to cook the brisket until it was probe tender. The final IT was 203 in the point and 197 in the flat. After he removed it from the grill, he let it rest until it dropped to an IT of 170F. Once it reached 170F, he vacuum sealed it and threw it in the sous vide to rest at 155F for a total of TWELVE hours!! After 12 hours was up, he removed the brisket from the seal, sliced, and served!

His Pork Belly Brisket Method
He bought a pork belly from his local warehouse store and seasoned it with a 50/50 mixture of kosher salt and 16 mesh black pepper. He smoked it fat cap up on his Pit Boss. He placed a roasting rack under the belly to protect the meat side from direct heat. His grill temperature was 225F for the entire cook. Once the belly reached an IT of 203, he removed it from the grill and he let it rest until it dropped to an IT of 170F. Once it reached 170F, he vacuum sealed it and threw it in the sous vide to rest at 155F for a total of TWELVE hours!! After 12 hours was up, he removed the belly from the seal, sliced, and served!
His Pork Belly Burnt Ends Method
He began by cubing his pork belly then seasoning the cubes with Meat Church Holy Gospel seasoning. He set his grill temperature to 225F and let them smoke until they were close to tender. When he noticed they were close, he removed them from the grill, sauced them, and put them back on the grill (uncovered) until they were tender. Once tender, he removed them from the grill and served!